Thursday, November 8, 2007

The shrillest highs and the lowest lows

Hi it's 3am and Im wide awake. Im so annoyed with myself coz I cant seem to do anything associated with econs. Not that I hate it, I'm actually starting to like it but I get so sleepy and easily distracted when I read econs. Haa all I did the whole day was 2 chapters of econs (if u consider unemployment and inflation as two chapters haha) and I got home after dinner feeling irritated so I decide to practice sat. Not that I feel any better after that because doing comprehensions and memorizing vocabs are so agonizing. I tried to to rmb 50 today, I learnt that that coiffure means hairstyle hahaha so random. Dont worry 2950 words more to go (I may as well memorize the whole dictionary right)

Anyway during lunch today suemaine and I were very amused over someone who was bloody serious about his plan to build a dynasty in the mountains of India.. hahaha I think I laughed until I cried... hahaha

Ok my mom just got back a few hours ago and she cried while talking about my grandfather so I didnt know how to react coz I dont want to cry either, like how I cried when I talked to him last week over the phone...sigh i realized I havent gone back in almost two years which is quite crazy considering I used to go back 4 times a year. I really miss a lot of people :(

Im turning eighteen in abt 2 to 3 days time (haha i dont keep track of dates) and I'm not really excited about it. For the first time in a few years Im not planning on any celebration and Im not even slightly upset about it hahah.

Okk since Im so bored now i'll think of what I wanna do after As
1) Take driving lessons
2) shop shop shoooooooop!
3) go back to indo
4) find a prom dress
5) run 4km everyday and go on a diet hahahaha
6) find woffles wu to do plastic surgery (HAHAHA coz my dad thinks my complexion is almost as bad as his and he told me that even plastic surgery cannot save me)
7) throw my books and notes and everything else
8) find a work ( i think my over excited mom is getting me an interview with i-dont-know-who and wants me to go for dinner with them. Im 18 i want to do a fun job (like be a salesperson at LV and chanel hahaha or like scoop ice cream at hagen daaz) and not be stuck in a bank/office. sometimes I dont know if im really lucky or really unlucky)
9) Watch prison break season 3 which started like last month already! I bet they're at least at 7th episode now..... I have to hurry
10) Errr ya last but not least write my personal statements, complete my applications and pray that I'll get accepted.

Okay tomorrow it'll be econs, me and james blunt at coffee bean hahahaha bye.

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